Patients are advised to avoid eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the laparoscopy procedure. According to scientific observations and accurate studies, the process is usually done under general anesthesia, although patients can be awake if they have local or spinal anesthesia. To be more effective and well followed procedures a gynecologist or surgeon performs the operation.
Photo Credit: Richie Graham |
The procedure requires that the patient's abdomen is inflated with gas. They call it carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide. The gas will be injected with a needle so it will push the abdominal wall away from the organs for the surgeon to see the inside condition clearly. After doing so, the surgeon will insert a laparoscope through a small incision and it will help in the examination of the internal organs. Additional slit may be used to insert physician's tools to move inner organs and structures for better showing. The operation normally lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.
In cases that endometriosis or scar tissue needs to be abstracted, your operating surgeon will use one of various methods, including cutting and removing tissue (excision) or destroying it with a laser beam or electric current called electrocautery. When the procedure is done, the surgeon closes the body part with incisions by making few stitches and usually there is little or no scarring at all.
What to expect after surgery?
Gynecologists and laparoscopy surgeons usually performs the operation at the outpatient department of the hospital but sometimes there are sensitive cases that patients for a surgery requires a hospital stay of one day. You are expected to be able to return to your normal activities in one week or maybe longer. Yes, normal activities but limited to light activities only and patients are advised to refrain from carrying heavy materials or exerting too much effort until incision or slit completely heals
When laparoscopy may not be needed?
There is an alternative for you not to attend an operation. Directly screening the pelvic organs is the only way to substantiate whether you have endometriosis. But this is not always necessary. When you suspect for endometriosis, hormone therapy is often prescribed.
How Well It Works?
It is said to be a pain relief for patients having this kind of suffering. As with hormone therapy, surgery betters endometriosis pain for most women who had undergone the procedure. But some experts admit it does not guarantee a long-lasting results. Some studies have shown that Most women-about 60 to 80 out of 100-report pain relief in the first months after surgery. And more than 50 out of 100 women have indications the their conditions had returned within two years after the surgery and they have added also that research conducted said that the number increases over time.
There are studies saying and suggesting that while on the laparoscopy recovery, using hormone therapy after surgery can make the pain-free condition of the patient lasts longer by preventing the growth of new or returning endometriosis.
What To Think About
Consider this, the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with open abdominal surgery include fewer tissue trauma and scarring and smaller incisions along with the situation that is able to have an outpatient procedure or a shortened hospital stay and a shorter recovery time.